Monday, March 5, 2012

Indian flavors plus a whole lot of lessons!
As you may have noticed, many of the "Cook On, Bro!" recipes don't exactly scream "healthy eating". It is my goal to change that, at least most of the time. Surely recipes don't have to be fat laden and calorie loaded to be edible in the eyes of my guys. Fortunately today's recipe, prepared by Cade fits the bill.

He also learned A LOT! I'll keep it simple and make a list:
1. Cade learned what a "mortar and pestle" is and how to use it (not just banging the seeds like a hammer ;))
2. He identified GARLIC. (ok I was shocked he forgot what it was) and how to use the Pampered Chef garlic press. Shallots are next!
3. He improved his PC food chopper skills while crying over the onions.
4. skillet vs. pan? He knows now. dry vs. wet measuring cup? yep we reviewed that too.
5. He learned what fresh ginger looks like and found out first had it DOES NOT taste good by itself!

What cook on MA does NOT know, is what is a chile? a jalapeno? a serrano? Aren't those peppers? I couldn't find a "chile" as the recipe called for so we omitted it, and omitted some flavor with it too. :(

Over all it was a good recipe, & a great experience, though Cade did complain it was taking too long. With a little left over, now we need to find a yummy Indian wrap recipe for lunch!